Despite the gusty winds and rain showers there was some nice sunshine for taking photos. Here are a couple I took as I was out doing errands on Smith St.

The discount television centre is no longer, now a shop of cheap imported knick knacks, there is still a bakery there . I guess these are the kind of signs that will vanish one day, no real reason to retain them, but the vibrant colours and the criss cross of back lines from the electrical wires and tram lines caught my eye and I thought it was well worth recording.

There are masses of really lovely old nineteenth and early twentieth century buildings on Smith St, which I think it is easy to overlook when the paint is peeling and everything is defaced with those godawful boring tags. Though admittedly I do like a bit of peeling paint and old painted signs.

Monsieur Truffe, I read a
review of it a few months ago and have been wanting to try it out, this is quite literally the first time I have managed to spot it, not that it is really tucked away, I think I just forget to look for it. Looked delightful this arvo with sun streaming in through the windows.