As one reader commented on the below post it is a pity that it can be so hard to find out about various events to do with the arts, art history etc. I will try and post them here when I hear about them but it would be good to have something that was more devoted to it. I have a few ideas and am trying to get a sort of arts/art history diary going with another organisation I am part of and will post about it if/when it is up and running. Please leave a comment if you ahve any thoughts on the matter and whether you would be interested in subscribing to something like an arts/art history diary. Also, for now at least, if you know of an event or are organising an event that has anything to do with art, art history, gardens, architecture I would be more than happy to feature it here. Let me know.
But for now here are some upcoming October delights in the are of art and history!
Also of interest is this upcoming lecture by Sophie Matthieson (senior curator at the NGV).

Sophie Matthiesson
Curator, International Art, National Gallery of Victoria
Captive Markets: Artists in Prison in the French Revolution
Hundreds of artists found themselves in prison during the French Revolution. While confined surprising numbers resumed painting, sculpting, drawing and even engraving. Few prisons were without some level or artistic production and exchange. Based on unpublished research of French prison archives and prison-made works of art, this lecture addresses some basic questions.
Who were the artists, and why were they imprisoned? What did they make and for whom? Using select case studies, this talk will propose some basic categories and functions of the prison-made object and present a model for its interpretation. It will also consider some of the wider implications of this curious and little-known area of cultural production for our understanding of the political prison in France in the period 1793-5.
Sophie Matthiesson is Curator of International Art at the National Gallery of Victoria. She has taught art history at the universities of Sussex, Manchester and Leeds. Her most recent publications are in the field of British Modernism, Surrealism, and cubism. The topic of the 2009 Margaret Manion lecture is drawn from her doctoral research on the artist in prison in the French Revolution.
6.30pm Tuesday 13 October 2009
Elisabeth Murdoch Theatre
The University of MelbourneAll Welcome
FAN Members Drinks from 6.00pm in foyer. RSVP by Wednesday 7 October:
Dinner with the speaker afterwards. Bookings by Wednesday 7 October:
Hi, It would be great if you could post details about upcoming events.. I would have loved to have gone to either of the conferences if I'd known earlier and could get off work... they both sound fantastic!
ReplyDeleteThanks Lynette for your comment. I will certainly try and put information up here when it comes to me. I will try and advertise sooner rather than later.